
Setting up iSCSI with Synology – Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations On-Premise at Home – 02

March 11th, 2018|Categories: Dynamics 365 Finance, Supply Chain Mgmt (AX 7, 8, 10, Operations), Home Lab, On-Premise, Synology|

Previous Post: Windows and Hyper-V Installation - Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations On-Premise at Home - 01To support the number of VMs and possible environments I want to host I will be leveraging a network attached storage (NAS) device to [...]

Windows and Hyper-V Installation – Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations On-Premise at Home – 01

March 9th, 2018|Categories: Dynamics 365 Finance, Supply Chain Mgmt (AX 7, 8, 10, Operations), Hyper-V, On-Premise|

Previous Post: Setting up Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations- home!Setting up the ServerThe server arrived, it is time to get rolling!  I first jumped into the BIOS.  It is easier and better to configure things before the operating system [...]

Showing Bible Verse when PowerShell is Opened

January 23rd, 2018|Categories: Bible, PowerShell|

Using the code created in a previous post in our PowerShell profile, we can have PowerShell display a random Bible quote whenever it is opened.StepsDownload PSBible-NET.psm1 from Github.Place the file in %UserProfile%DocumentsWindowsPowerShellModules.  You may need to create the folders if they [...]

Search the Internet for Bible References on a Topic

January 21st, 2018|Categories: Bible, PowerShell|

Scraping a Web Site for Bible ReferencesUsing the function from the prior post, we can leverage PowerShell to download a web page and parse it for us to find references to scripture.$requestResult = Invoke-WebRequest-Uri ""-DisableKeepAlive -UseBasicParsing-ErrorAction SilentlyContinueif ($requestResult.StatusCode -eq200){    Get-BibleReferences$requestResult.Content [...]

Comparing BOMs in AX

December 21st, 2017|Categories: Dynamics AX 2012|

Bills of material in AX 2012 can be effective dated, and this provides the ability to keep prior versions.  Now it has been several years and the question arises- what changed between versions?  There is a built-in way to compare [...]

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