Using the code created in a previous post in our PowerShell profile, we can have PowerShell display a random Bible quote whenever it is opened.


  1. Download PSBible-NET.psm1 from Github.
  2. Place the file in %UserProfile%DocumentsWindowsPowerShellModules.  You may need to create the folders if they do not already exist.
  3. Create “profile.ps1” in %UserProfile%DocumentsWindowsPowerShell and put this inside:

Import-Module “C:UsersYOUR-USERNAMEDocumentsWindowsPowerShellModulesPSBible-NET.psm1”
Get-BibleVerse -Random

Every time PowerShell is opened on your machine it will show a random Bible quote!

Keep in mind that the more commands you place inside the profile.ps1, the longer it will take to open PowerShell.