I needed to import multiple Excel files into AX;  all of them had a very similar format with the same columns.  Python to the rescue.  Ever since Build 2018 I’ve been using Visual Studio Code and enjoyed every moment of it, as I build Python scripts to assist me with anything I can think of.  I highly suggest that tool, and the Cobalt2 theme, for increased productivity and debugging- as a gateway drug to Python addiction(!).

This script will combine all of the files within a directory into a file, Combined.xls.  Install Python 3 then install xlwt and xlrd using pip.  The os module is part of the main Python installation already.  Create a python file (*.py) with the following code.  Then change the settings to suit your situation as well as the logic for skipping of the header record.

import os
import xlwt
import xlrd

# Settings
directory_path = r’~Data MigrationRouteOpr’
combined_fullpath = r’~Data MigrationRouteOprCombined.xls’
path_sep = ‘\’
import_sheet_name = ‘Template’
num_files_to_combine = 99999

print(‘Combining files in {}’.format(directory_path))

# Create workbook
wkbk = xlwt.Workbook()
outsheet = wkbk.add_sheet(‘Combined’)

# Go through each file and add it to the combined file
outrow_idx = 0
file_num = 0
num_rows_this_file = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory_path):
    for filename in files:
        file_num += 1
        if file_num > num_files_to_combine:

        f = root + path_sep + filename

        num_rows_this_file = 0
            insheet = xlrd.open_workbook(f).sheet_by_name(‘Template’)
        except xlrd.XLRDError as e:
            print(‘ERROR (skipping file): ‘,end=”)
        for row_idx in range(insheet.nrows):
            num_rows_this_file += 1
            outrow_idx += 1

            # Skip header rows after the first file
            if file_num > 1 and row_idx < 10 and (insheet.cell_value(row_idx, 0) in (‘AccError’,’Accumulated’) or insheet.cell_value(row_idx, 1) == ‘if configured Item will be required.’):   # Modify this line to skip any header records
                outrow_idx -= 1

            for col_idx in range(insheet.ncols):
                outsheet.write(outrow_idx, col_idx, insheet.cell_value(row_idx, col_idx))

            outsheet.write(outrow_idx, insheet.ncols, filename)
        print(‘   {:,} rows’.format(num_rows_this_file))

#save the file
print(‘Saved combined file to {}’.format(combined_fullpath))
print(‘Files combined successfully’)

The output will look like –
Combining files in XXXX
…Route Operations Template A.xlsx   298 rows
…Route operations template B.xlsx   282 rows
…Route operations template C.xlsx   173 rows
…Route operations template D.xlsx   1,874 rows
…Route operations template CD.xlsx   36 rows
Saved combined file to XXXXXData MigrationRouteOprTest_2018-07-19Combined.xls

Files combined successfully
