
SysOperation Framework – Six years later where are we at with implementing it?

October 14th, 2018|Categories: Dynamics 365 Finance, Supply Chain Mgmt (AX 7, 8, 10, Operations)|Tags: , , |

It has been six years since the SysOperation framework was made available for development in Dynamics AX 2012.  The SysOperation framework replaced the RunBase Framework.  It promised to run faster by limiting which code runs on each tier of the [...]

Defragment indexes on D365 Finance & Operations Virtual Machine

October 12th, 2018|Categories: Dynamics 365 Finance, Supply Chain Mgmt (AX 7, 8, 10, Operations), SQL|Tags: |

After downloading the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations 8.1 PU 20 VHD from LCS, I went about optimizing its performance.  So far I used it a bit without doing a full compile and it seems to run less than [...]

Parse the Missing Values from Validate (DIXF)

October 7th, 2018|Categories: Data Import Export Framework (DIXF), Data Migration, Dynamics AX 2012, Regular Expressions|

I like to validate the data as much as possible throughout the process of migrating data into AX.  Usually this means reviewing the input file, loading the file, and clicking "Validate all"  before actually running the data into the target [...]

Latency Testing for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

September 15th, 2018|Categories: Azure, Dynamics 365 Finance, Supply Chain Mgmt (AX 7, 8, 10, Operations)|Tags: , |

Recently I went on a journey testing the latency of the Azure dark fiber backbone between data centers.  This is crucial for a global Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations ("FinOps") implementation.  In general bandwidth can be purchased but latency is [...]

Unreserve inventory

August 20th, 2018|Categories: Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 2009, Dynamics AX 2012, Dynamics AX 4.x|

// Unreserves inventory static void unreserveInventTrans(Args _args) { InventTrans             inventTrans; InventDim               inventDim; InventDimParm           inventDimParm; ; setPrefix(funcName());   select firstOnly inventTrans where inventTrans.StatusIssue == StatusIssue::ReservPhysical join inventDim where inventDim.inventDimId == inventTrans.inventDimId && inventDim.inventBatchId == "M0139812";   if (inventTrans.RecID) { setPrefix(inventTrans.caption());   [...]

The Product variants form can only be opened for a product master

June 27th, 2018|Categories: Dynamics AX 2012|

When right-clicking > View Details on a Variant number you may receive the following message  "The Product variants form can only be opened for a product master."Call Stack     Data DictionaryTablesEcoResProductMasterMethodsgetProductMasterFromCaller   34     ClassesEcoResProductVariantsCompanyHelpernewFromFormRun       18     ClassesEcoResProductVariantsFormHelpernewFromFormRun          [...]

pfSense Firewall Error 501

April 21st, 2018|Categories: pfSense|

When setting up a new pfSense firewall via the web interface, if you change the ip address and/or device name while connected you may receive the following error: Error: 501 Description: An HTTP_REFERER was detected other than what is defined [...]

Installing Active Directory Part 2 – Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations On-Premise at Home – 05

March 20th, 2018|Categories: Active Directory|

In the prior post we created the primary domain controller.  In this article we will configure Active Directory and add a second domain controller.In a later post we'll set up ADFS and Azure Active Directory (AAD)- both of which are [...]

Installing Active Directory Part 1 – Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations On-Premise at Home – 04

March 17th, 2018|Categories: Active Directory|

One of the 'shared service' environment requirements for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is an Active Directory domain.  There should never be just one Active Directory server, so we'll create two Windows Server 2016 virtual machines.  AX needs an [...]

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