Unable to Configure Report for PrecisionForms – Record Already Exists
Symptom:Cannot create a record in Delivery destinations (BT_DPA_AOT_ReportDestinations). AOT object ID: 13, 2.The record already exists.Solution:The unique index for the BottomLine tables is RecID. Run the following SQL statement on your AX database. Replace DATABASE with the name of your AX database.IF [...]
Export AX Ledger Transactions via SQL
Unable to deploy AX2012 Azure Virtual Machine
There is a AX 2012 virtual machine available on the Azure Portal. When I tried to create one, I received the following error (with typo):Project was created but there were problems creating deployment instance. You need to be a service [...]
Finding invalid document handling references
static void listDocuHandling_InvalidPaths(Args _args){ DocuRef docuRef; DocuValue docuValue; SysOperationProgress progress; Common common; ; setPrefix("Invalid document handling file references"); // Initialize progress indicator select count(RecId) from docuRef; progress = new SysOperationProgress(1, true); progress.setTotal(docuRef.RecId); progress.setCaption(funcname()); while select docuRef join docuValue where docuValue.RecId [...]
Work item could not be created. Insufficient rights for user
There are 60 workflows available within AX and it can be frustrating to try and set up specific security for each one. The following message is no exception (pun).SymptomStopped (error): X++ Exception: Work item could not be created. Insufficient rights [...]
Test Data Transfer Tool – Object reference error
The Test Data Transfer Tool can be invaluable in copying data from one environment to another for testing. Sometimes you may want to export the data against a restored copy of an environment, either due to security, or to limit [...]
List AOSs Supported by SQL Server Instance
I recently found myself in the situation of needing to know what Dynamics AX Application Object Servers (AOS) are online in an environment. The situation was a bit simplified because all of the AOS were served by the same SQL [...]
Bottomline PrecisionForms: Cannot Send Failed Email Notice
The Bottomline PrecisionForms Email service can send the helpdesk an email whenever an error is encountered. It is important that you configure this correctly otherwise errors will be shown in the trace log.BTEmail,No from address available for SMTP, cannot send failed [...]
Workflow Error: Application Cannot Be Started
Recently I was trying to set up a workflow in AX 7 / Dynamics 365 for Operations. I was unable to open the workflow editor.After clicking the details button I found the following:Deployment Identity : Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Workflow.WorkflowEditorHost.application, Version=7.0.4307.16141, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c3bce3770c238a49, processorArchitecture=amd64...System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (Zone) [...]
Bottomline PrecisionForms Email: File Did Not Contain an Email Header
Bottomline PrecisionForms is a powerful tool for formatting and delivering beautiful reports and forms (invoice, PO, BOL, RFQ...) from Dynamics AX. I have been using this tool for almost ten years now. You might encounter the following issue when setting [...]
Optimizing installing ISV solutions in AX 2012 (Compare Tool)
When integrating a comprehensive ISV solution into your AX environment there is always the possibility that there is a conflict: perhaps the ISV solution was built for a different version of AX, or you already have several other solutions installed. [...]
Check and Fix the Next AX Record ID for All Tables
** This was tested on AX 4.0 SP2The following script will check and update the next record ID for every table in AX. This is useful if you copied data from one environment to another. After running the script you [...]
Wrong Argument Types in Variable Assignment
During the development of a class occasionally we may receive this error messagewrong argument types in variable assignmentThe error only occurs when during runtime. I believe the issue is that the server has one copy of the class whereas your [...]
Emailing embedded images from Dynamics AX
When I first tried sending an email with images it showed the standard image not found image from Microsoft internet exploder.This was the image in all the emails sent by AX.We are using AX 4.0 SP2 with hotfixes applied....I began [...]
SQL Server Reporting Services: Fixing “Could not generate a list of fields for the query”
Many times when creating an SSRS report I get the message "Could not generate a list of fields for the query" especially when using datasources which include temporary tables or very complex queries. Sometimes clicking the Refresh fields button on [...]
Determine table ID in SQL
Create this function to easily get the table number within a SQL statement.-- =============================================-- Create date: 2010.11.01-- Description: Gets the AX table ID for the table name-- =============================================ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnAXTableID] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @tableName [...]